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Nozzle Ninjas: RJ2-PON Series – Popping Up for Cleaner Ducts and Tanks! | Newsletter Vol. 12

Imagine a cleaning solution that springs into action like a stealthy ninja, emerging when needed and disappearing once the job is done. 
Our RJ2-PON Series pop-up cleaning nozzles do just that, using liquid pressure to rotate and efficiently clean the inside of ducts and tanks. 

Pop-Up Mechanism: This nozzle neatly retracts flush with the tank or duct walls when not in use, eliminating the need for repeatedly removing and reattaching it during cleaning sessions.

RJ2-PON Pop-up Mechanism


Curious to see it in action? Check out these videos:

Nozzle tip emerging to spray:

Nozzle tip retracting when spray stops:

RJ2-PON in spraying


Why are the RJ2-PON Series perfect for duct and tank cleaning?

✔ State-of-the-art pop-up mechanisms integrate seamlessly into your CIP (Cleaning in Place) systems.
✔ Low-speed rotation RJ2-PON provides thorough cleaning, even in the most challenging spots.
✔ Superior chemical resistance ensures durability and effectiveness in various environments.

Explore the RJ2-PON Series:
Visit the product page on our website
Check out our digital catalog

For more information on how the RJ2-PON Series can enhance your cleaning processes, please visit our website or contact our team directly.


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