Environmental Philosophy and Policy
Environmental Philosophy
Every IKEUCHI employee possesses high environmental awareness, strives to protect our planet’s natural environment during product manufacturing activities, and works to realize a company that continues to be trusted by society and its members.
Environmental Policy
1. We will always consider the environmental impacts of our business activities and products and pursue measures to prevent environmental pollution.
2. We will follow laws, regulations, ordinances and customer requirements related to environmental conservation and preservation in all Company business activities, products, and services.
3. We will utilize our fog technology to achieve greater industrial energy savings and reduce labor requirements, and will continue to manufacture products aimed at improving natural environments as we strive to make people’s lives more enriched and prosperous.
4. In order to achieve the aims of this environmental policy, all members of the Company will participate in environmental management efforts. Furthermore, we will regularly reassess and revise as necessary our environmental goals and targets.
5. We will make this environmental policy known among all employees, including those at affiliated companies. Furthermore, we will also disseminate and request the understanding of and compliance with this environmental policy among partner companies.
6. We will provide environmental education for all employees in order to foster a spirit of environmental protection in each person.
October 01, 2017
Shiro Nakai
Director, President & COO