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Custom-Designed Spray Nozzles for Producing Higher-Quality Carbon Blacks

Solutions or Products Featured in This Case Study

  • Feedstock Oil Spray Nozzle | KKP Series (Custom Design)

Key Reasons for Implementation

  • The custom-designed KKP spray nozzles were tailored to meet the specific requirements for spray angle, pressure, and flow rate, while delivering superior fine atomization, outperforming the JJXP Series full cone and VVP Series flat spray nozzles.
  • Made of stainless steel, the KKP nozzles were praised for their resistance to clogging and high-temperature durability, improving maintenance efficiency.
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Challenges Faced by the Customer

At a factory manufacturing carbon products such as carbon blacks*, our JJXP Series full cone spray nozzles and VVP Series flat spray nozzles have traditionally been used to spray feedstock oil and collect residual soot after combustion.

*Carbon Black: Fine carbon particles produced by injecting feedstock oil into a high-temperature gas inside a reactor and allowing it to undergo incomplete combustion. Carbon black pigments are primarily used as reinforcing materials in tires and rubber products, enhancing their strength and durability.

Upon discovering that color inconsistency in carbon black correlated with the size of spray droplets, the customer approached us to explore whether a nozzle producing finer droplets than the JJXP or VVP could enable the collection of finer soot directly linked to product quality.

While our KB Series hollow cone spray nozzles offer excellent atomization performance, their ceramic tips make them unsuitable for use in high-temperature environments. Facing this limitation, the customer sought our advice for a spray nozzle that delivers fine atomization, resists clogging, and operates reliably under high temperatures.

Proposals from IKEUCHI

Full cone and flat spray nozzles, such as the JJXP and VVP Series, have internal structures that produce relatively larger droplets. To achieve finer atomization, hollow cone spray nozzles offering superior atomization performance needed to be selected.

Among the available options, we selected the KKP Series nozzles for spraying feedstock oil, as they offer excellent atomization, are resistant to clogging, and can operate in high-temperature environments due to their all-stainless steel structure. Additionally, since the required spray angle, operating pressure, and spray flow rate were beyond the capabilities of standard models, we provided a custom-designed nozzle to fulfill these specifications.

Benefits Achieved

  • The finer atomization from the KKP Series nozzles enabled the production of much finer soot, which improved the quality of carbon black used in tire black. (This was assessed based on feedback from the customer, as specific numerical data is not available.)
  • The system has been operating steadily for three years, and we continue to receive increasing orders annually.


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