Technical Library

Energy Efficiency with Humidification

Humidification System = Savings

Whether you are eco conscious or looking for ways to cut costs (or both), humidification systems can optimize the energy use in your business. Steam humidification systems are costly and comes with a set of problems that effects product quality. AKIMist®E not only enhances your product quality but energy costs are 5 times lower than a conventional steam humidification system.


Key Differences: Steam VS Dry Fog

Steam systems hold the number one title for highest CO2 output of all humidification systems. This is because steam requires a boiler which is dependent on crude oil. If your goal is simply energy conservation, there are several cold-water spray (adiabatic) humidification options to choose from: Centrifugal Humidifier, Ultrasonic Humidifier, and High-Pressure Humidifier. If you’re looking for a system the goes above and beyond, a dry fog humidification system like AKIMist®E is the solution. Above energy efficiency, AKIMist®E is capable of covering larger areas or spot/target humidification, which decreases operating and installment costs further.



Keeping up with nozzle replacements is crucial to the performance of humidification systems as worn and outdated nozzles will consume a different amount of water and air than intended. Ikeuchi experienced this firsthand with our original AKIMist®E nozzle AKIJet 04S which can spray the same amount of water (2.4L/hr at 3 bar) as our current AKIJet 03C nozzle, but the air consumption on our newer model improved air consumption by 80% less.


Save Water

Water conservation is an important topic now and will only continue to grow in urgency. AKIMist®E sprays with 100% efficiency so no water is lost and put to waste in the process. As mentioned before, this system is adaptable and will only humidify spaces that need to be, whether that is a large space or a targeted area.


Ideal Temperature

Investing in a quality humidification system means not only improved product quality, but health benefits to workers. Humid air holds more heat than cold air, so the temperature can be lowered a few degrees without effecting the warmth that employees would feel. Additionally, humidity reduces the spread of viruses which means healthy workers and less call-offs.


AKIMist®E Features Summarized

  • Water humidification system with no threat of wetting materials and equipment
  • Prevents static electricity in facilities
  • Easy installation: Add to existing HVAC
  • Adaptable to any layout
  • Humidifies AND cools
  • Reduces product loss during production
  • Improves product quality
  • Low maintenance


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